
I am extremely lucky to work with a talented and kind team of postdocs, PhD and MSc students!


Marco Colnaghi
Marco Colnaghi

I am Postdoctoral Researcher at the Amsterdam Cooperation Lab (AML), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, working on the evolution of human cooperation. The main aim of my research is to use agent-based modelling and evolutionary game theory to study the relationship between fitness interdependence and the evolution of cooperative behaviour. Main supervisor: Daniel Balliet.

Marta C. Couto
Marta C. Couto


Dimitris Michailidis
Dimitris Michailidis

I am a PhD student at the Civic AI Lab of the University of Amsterdam. In my research, I use Machine Learning to design inclusive, accessible and sustainable cities. My current focus is on using Reinforcement Learning to explore the trade-off between utility and equity/fairness when designing public transport networks. In the near future, I would like to investigate how would urban populations adapt to such changes in a city's public tranport networks.

Jacobus Martin Smit
Jacobus Martin Smit

Hello, I'm a PhD student at the Socially Intelligent Artificial Systems group at the University of Amsterdam. I'm currently working on the dynamics of cooperation through indirect reciprocity, if you're working on something similar, try my implementation or get in contact with me to see if we can adapt it to your problem.

João Fonseca
João Fonseca

Hi! I am a PhD student at the Socially Intelligent Artificial Systems (SIAS) group at the University of Amsterdam. My research focuses on the effects of algorithmic recommendations on social media virality. Feel free to reach out if you’re curious!

Alexandre S. Pires
Alexandre S. Pires

Hey! I'm Alexandre Pires, a Ph.D. student at the Socially Intelligent Artificial Systems (SIAS) Group, University of Amsterdam. My work focuses on understanding indirect reciprocity as a mechanism for cooperation under Human-AI hybrid populations.


Madhura Pawar
Madhura Pawar

I am currently a 2nd year Masters in AI student at the University of Amsterdam. I have three years of experience in Software Engineering.


Ramona Merhej
Ramona Merhej

Ramona defended her PhD thesis titled "Multi-agent reinforcement learning under wealth inequality and diversity in risk" in June 2023. She was a PhD student at Instituto Superior Técnico and INESC-ID, co-supervised by Francisco C. Santos, Francisco Melo and Fernando P. Santos. Currently, Ramona is a Research Scientists at DeepMind.